
+House: Archive

The +House is an “efficient home” concept I’ve been considering for quite a while, though unfortunately I haven’t had the chance to take much action on it yet. In future posts, I will go into more detail about what exactly the concept is and why it appeals to me. This post, however, is not about writing something new; this is just a direct transplantation of two posts I wrote on the original +House website.

Demiurge: Overview

It’s a very good word; I was quite pleased when I learned of it. The idea of demigod whose responsibility is to shape the world — not as a creator, or at least not an absolute one, but as a craftsman — was exactly what I needed. You see, I discovered this word while I was looking for a good name for my newly-created “world building” software. The more I thought about the name Demiurge, the more perfect I realized it was.

Cold Open

I think myself and I might agree more often if we spent more time together, but only one of us ever seems to be around. I keep finding his documents which, when he wrote them, he thought were excessively fun and witty. But maybe wittiness has a half-life; when I find these documents and read …

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